This article first appeared in the May 1991 issues of Telesoga
Vol. 11, No. 1
on the occasion of the Stone Church’s 125th anniversary.
The Stone Church is located 1 1⁄2 miles south of Houston on Highway 76.
The Spring of 1853 saw the arrival of the first small band of Norwegian immigrants
from Vraadal and Fyresdal in West Telemark to an area five miles south of Houston,
Minnesota, known as Badger Valley. The party consisted of Mikkel Mikkelson Sinnes
and his wife Hage Halvorsdotter Bjornstad; Mikkel’s brother Aanund Mikkelson
Sanden, his wife Anne Sveinsdotter and their children; and Mikkel’s sister
Hage Mikkelsdotter and her husband Aanund Gjermundson Veum and their children.
The next year brought many more families from Telemark and it wasn’t long
before the ridges and valleys surrounding Houston were filling up with settlers.
Several of them were almost exclusively made up of Norwegian immigrants.
In the fall of 1854, Rev. U. V. Koren of Washington Prairie, a few miles south
of Decorah, Iowa, made his first missionary trip to the southeastern corner
of the Minnesota territory. While at Houston he baptized four children and administered
the Sacraments of Holy Communion to forty-six people (one of them a Swede),
on October 24. One year later a delegate was sent from the Houston and Norwegian
Ridge (Spring Grove) Lutheran Congregations to the 2nd General Convention of
the Norwegian Synod in Spring Prairie, Wisconsin. Thus, they became the first
Minnesota congregations to be admitted to the Norwegian Synod (which had been
organized in 1853).
During the early
years, services were held intermittently in the members’ homes. The two
listed in early church histories a being among the first to open their homes
were Aanund Mikkelson Sanden and Jon Mattiason Sannes, both from Vraadal in
Telemark. In 1859 Rev. N. E. S. Jenson left Norway in answer to a letter of
call sent out by the Houston, Rushford, Highland Prairie and Elstad Congregations.
He became the first resident pastor of these congregations living in the parsonage
at Highland Prairie. Before too many years had passed the congregation decided
it could no longer do without a church. Land was secured in 1863 from Tore Aadneson
Lofto from Fyresdal and Anfin Anfinson from Numedal, who also
donated the stone for the building of the church. Although the stone was donated
by a Numedøl, the overseer and timekeeper, Ole Halvorson Skree, was from
Fyresdal. He walked to LaCrosse, Wisconsin, purchased a large-sized wall clock,
carried it back, and set it up in the quarry to keep track of the workers’
hours. The parishioners paid off their pledges in cash, labor, or a combination
The limestone was taken from a quarry on the brow of the hill just east of the
church in 1864. The quarried stone was rolled down the hill and then hauled
by oxen and stone boats to the building site.
In the summer of 1865 the congregation assisted “mur mester”
(master stone mason) Gullick Halvorson dress the stone and lay up the walls.
There was some concern about building the gable ends of stone because some thought
the added weight might settle the ends and crack the walls, but it was decided
in spite of that probable danger to build the entire wall of stone. There was
also enough stone left over to build a stone fence in front of the church yard,
which was later removed. (Those Norwegians weren’t about to get caught
short on stone!)
Aad Evenson Aarbak, the “snikkar” (carpenter) who contracted
the labor and material to complete work on the church was from Vraadal, Telemark.
He purchased the necessary lumber in Black River Falls, Wisconsin and rafted
the material down the Black River to the Mississippi River and thence into Target
Lake below LaCrescent in early 1866. It was hauled to Houston on wagons drawn
by oxen. The timbers used under the floor joists and in the tower were hewn
here, being trimmed square with an ax.
The church was completed in the late summer of 1866 and by May, 1868 Mr. Aarbak
was given the final payment of his $2,500 contract. They also agreed to pay
$42.40 over that amount for some extra work that he had done. Since Mr. Aarbak
made the altar and pulpit it is likely that the “extra work” must
refer to these items. Treasurer Christof Evanson (from Vraadal) reported the
total cost of the church building to be $4,385.58.
The interior of the church was decorated in 1871 and made ready for the dedication
service. Perhaps one of the greatest festal services held within the walls of
the Stone Church took place on November 16, 1871, when the building was consecrated.
The walnut baptismal font with its beautiful inlaid work was made by John Evenson
Homme who also made the funeral spade dated 1871. John Homme was born in Skafsaa
where he was a carpenter, and also lived in Fyresdal and Vraadal before coming
to Houston in 1856. His son, the well known Norwegian Lutheran Minister, Rev.
Even J. Homme, grew up 1 1⁄2 miles from the Stone Church, was confirmed
in 1860 before the church was built, and ordained in 1867. He was a pastor in
Winchester, Wisconsin and later built an orphanage and old peoples’ home
in Wittenberg, Wisconsin and published a religious newspaper For Gammel
og Ung.
The membership during the time of the building of the Stone Church reflects
the Norwegian community in the Houston area at that time, in that it was largely
made up of families that had immigrated from West Telemark. This pattern was
followed rather consistently for the next one hundred years. Because the congregation
remained almost completely Norwegian in its make-up, the Norwegian language
was used in the records until 1929 and in services on and off through the thirties
and occasionally into the forties.
When Torkel Oftelie, saga writer for the Telesoga, visited Houston
in 1913 he stayed at the home of Ivar Vathing in Badger Valley. Ivar (whose
parents were from Fyresdal) took him up through Badger Valley which was settled
almost exclusively by people from Vraadal, and the next day he was given a tour
of the Yucatan Valley which had been settled largely by immigrants from Fyresdal.
(Unfortunately, few of these farms remain in the same families today.)
It is interesting to note that when Torkel wrote the story of his trip to Houston
(which appeared as Volume 17 of Telesoga) he referred to Badger as
“Vraadal” and called Yucatan “Fyresdal”. Torkel’s
use of the names of these valleys in Telemark is not at all surprising when
you consider his description of the Houston area in Telesoga: “I have
not seen any other place in America that is more like the home “bygds”.
All the valleys here are like a little Telemark in miniature. Here the wind
is calm; almost never any cyclones. Here is good earth and plenty of fresh,
running water and all kinds of trees in the woods. It is only natural that we
fjellfolk (mountain people) will thrive better here than out on the
endless plains, where everything is so wide open and monotonous.”
The area around Houston in western Houston county and Highland Prairie (often
called Telemarksprærien in the early days) in eastern Fillmore
County became a major Telemark settlement. It also served as an important departure
point for subsequent migration farther west, especially to the Red River Valley
and the Dakotas. Consequently, there are many Norwegian immigrant churches far
from Houston whose membership has its roots in the Stone Church Congregation.
The Concordia Lutheran Church, which served the large Buffalo River Telemark
Settlement near Moorhead, was organized almost exclusively by pioneers who had
been members of the Stone Church before their long journey to Clay County.
Many of the aforementioned Houston emigrants have ancestors resting peacefully
in the shadows of the Stone Church, the sturdy stone structure of which has
been serving the needs of the Houston Congregation for 125 years. Compared to
many of the churches in their native Norway, it would be considered a relatively
new church, but here in this part of Minnesota, it goes back almost to the very
beginnings of our existence, when our forefathers first arrived from the older
Norwegian settlements to the east in Wisconsin. It is believed to be the oldest
Norwegian Lutheran Church in Minnesota still standing and being used for services.
It is almost impossible to overestimate the contributions that our ancestors
made to the quality of our lives today and to appreciate the sacrifices they
made so their children might inherit the promise of America. During the Civil
War period they not only built the Stone Church, but helped to build the parsonage
at Highland Prairie, and also gave nearly $1,000 to the building of Luther College
at Decorah, Iowa.
![]() | ![]() |
Anfin Anfinson's obelisk | Martha Anfinson's tablet (and infant son, Anton) |
At this same time small narrow slabs of stone were used as headstones and footstones
to mark the individual grave places, and the deceased’s initials were usually
carved into the top of them. Most of these small stones were removed with the
advent of the lawn mower, but a few of them have survived. Prior to this time,
the church custodian was required to cut the grass by hand with a scythe two or
three times per year.
By the end of the 19th century the old portion of the cemetery was getting pretty
much filled up and the new custom of selling eight-place family plots called for
much more space. The cemetery therefore expanded quickly along each side of the
church and more land to the north was purchased from Henry Abrahamson in 1907.
In the early 1900s, a resolution was passed which stated that no one was to be
buried less than 20 feet away from the church itself. This flew in the face of
the Old World custom, whereby graves can be found all along the sides of the older
churches and even under them, but it makes it a lot easier to work on the building,
especially when it comes to putting on a new roof!
The turn of the century also brought an end to the “obelisk stones”
with the introduction of highly polished granite markers, which were available
in a variety of colors, sizes and styles. The new standard was to have a large
stone bearing only the family surname, surrounded by much smaller stones in matching
granite that marked each individual grave. This was the time of large families
in need of large family plots, but they didn’t anticipate how migratory
their offspring would become, so often times many of the plots remain unused.
With the advent of the granite stones in the first few decades of the 20th century
there also arose a trend in which certain families would try to outdo each other
in the elaborate design and size of their family markers. This was carried to
an extreme in the Stone Church Cemetery as can be seen in the dark charcoal
gray Myran stone just around the corner to the south, and the lighter gray K.
T. Thompson stone a bit farther back behind the church. These two stones are
identical in size and design and could almost be called “walls of stone”
rather than monuments, and back in the 1920s, they cost $1000. Imagine what
you’d have to pay for one today.
We have no idea how much these massive stones and their bases weigh, but the
late Nordine Peterson told of delivering the Myran stone by himself as a young
man. The stones arrived, as they all did then, by train to Houston. Nordine
went down to the depot with his wagon and team of horses to pick them up. Heavy
planks were set up between the wagon and the railroad car and strong pry bars
and pinch bars were used to maneuver the stones. The main concern was not to
tip the stones over! Things went well for Nordine until he got to the short
hill which rises up from the bottoms to the Beckman farm. Since this was the
farm of the aforementioned Anfin Anfinson in the old days, this small hill was
referred to as Anfinsbakkje, or Anfin’s Hill, by the early settlers.
Nordine had to stop and walk up the hill to borrow an extra team from “Big
Roy” Anderson to help pull the heavy load up the hill. “Big Roy”
lived on the Beckman farm at that time.
Once Nordine got to the cemetery, his troubles were still not over. The load was
so heavy that the wheels sank into the sod, even though the ground was dry. He
therefore had to use planking under the wagon wheels and keep moving them forward
to drive on, as he slowly pulled the monument back into the cemetery to its future
site just south of the church parlors. Wouldn’t it be great to have a video
of that entire procedure to look at today?
In the second half of the last century, the trend went away from family lots
back to individual or married couple burials and stones, as we can see in the
newer part of the cemetery, and which are also interspersed throughout much
of the rest of the cemetery as well.
At this time, there are well over 2,000 people buried in the Stone Church Cemetery.
This is over twice the population of Houston and although it seems like a lot,
we have a long way to go to catch up to our ancestral cemeteries in Norway, where
they have been burying people for many centuries. It has been estimated that there
are over 70,000 people buried in the small graveyard surrounding the old stone
church in Kviteseid, Telemark, which was built around 1160. Of course, over there
they used the graves over and over again and continue to do so to this day. The
old expression was “Her ligg dei grav i grav” (Here they
lay grave in grave).
Even today we are looking forward to further expansion of the cemetery, and
only the Good Lord knows what the future will bring.