This Mann family is said to be of English origin. Family tradition states that Mathew Roberson Mann had a sister who married Samuel Slater, who was responsible for bringing the loom from England to America. Research has proven that one Samuel Slater is credited as the founder of America's textile industry, but this Samuel Slater married (1) on October 2, 1791, Hannah Wilkinson, and (2) on November 21, 1817 in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania, Esther Parkinson, widow of Robert Parkinson. (Samuel Slater and the Cotton Manufacture, William Bagnell, 1890 and Memoir of Samuel Slater, George S. White, Second edition, 1836).Family tradition also states that Mathew Roberson Mann had a brother, John Mann. Further that Mathew Roberson Mann was reared in Fairfax County, Virginia. From research it is believed that the parents of Mathew Roberson Mann were from Halifax County, Virginia, instead of Fairfax County. Further research needs to be done on this.
The records of Greenbrier County, Virginia (now West Virginia) reveal the following information:
- Deed Book 2, page 528, dated 29 June 1802, recorded the same day. Samuel Carrell and Christian, his wife, of the County of Greenbrier and the State of Virginia to Robert Mann (no locale given) for 5 shillings, 75 acres on Howard's Creek. This land was granted to Carrell on 3 December 1798.
- Will Book I, pp. 219-220, lists the account of the estate of Robert Mann, deceased. The appraisal was made by Robert Robison, Benjamin Underwood, and Robert Humphrey on 9 July 1807.
- Deed Book 7, p. 400, records a deed as follows:
This Indenture made the 5th day of December in the year of our Lord one thousand Eight Hundred and Eighteen between John Mann and Sally his wife and Mathew Mann, Elizabeth Mann, Samuel Slater, and Margaret Slater, his wife, the said John Mann, Mathew Mann, Elizabeth Mann, and Margaret Slater being heirs of Robert Mann Deed of the county of Greenbrier and the state of Virginia of the one part and John Erwin of the County of Greenbrier of the other part witnesseth that the said John Mann and his wife, Mathew Mann, Elizabeth Mann, Samuel Slater and his wife for an in consideration of the sum of five Dollars lawful money of Virginia to them in hand paid by the said John Erwin the Rect. Whereof is hereof acknowledged have granted, bargained, and sold and by these presents do grant, bargain, and sell unto the said John Erwin, his heirs and assigns forever, one certain tract of land situated in the county of Greenbrier on the waters of Howard's Creek joining the land of John Erwin and William Cart and was conveyed to the said Robert Mann by Samuel Carrell by a Deed which is of record in the county court of Greenbrier, a reference thereto will more full and which Deed calls for seventy-two acres and is bounded as follows.
Beginning at two black oak saplings Corner to Erwin and [description of land given here] to the Beginning together with all and singular the appurtenances unto the said John Erwin, his heirs and assigns forever. To the only proper use and behoof of him, the said John Erwin, his heirs and assigns forever, and the said John, Sally, Mathew, Elizabeth, Samuel and Margaret, their heirs, Executors and administrators, do covenant with the said John Erwin, his heirs and assigns, that they, the said John, Sally, Mathew, Elizabeth, Samuel and Margaret, their heirs, Executors and administrators, the said tract of land with its appurtenances unto the said John Erwin, his heirs and assigns, against the claim or claims of them and their heirs and of all and every person or persons whatsoever shall and will warrant and forever Defend by these presents In witness whereof the said John Mann and Sally his wife, Mathew Mann, Elizabeth Mann, and Samuel Salter and his wife have hereunto set their hand and seals on the day and year first above written.
Signed by John Mann, Mathew Mann, Elizabeth Mann, Samuel Slater, Sally Mann, Margaret Slater. Witnessed by James Withrow and Joseph Mize, JP/s. Recorded December 5, 1818.
From the above, it is believed that: Robert Mann died before July 9, 1807 in Greenbrier County, Virginia. The name of his wife is unknown at this time. He left the following four children: John Mann; Mathew Roberson Mann (born 18 September 1796); Elizabeth Mann; Margaret Mann (married 13 January 1817 in Greenbrier County to Samuel Slater. Marriage Book 1-A, p. 138)
The will of John Conner, Sr., dated 10 January 1844 with codicil dated 28 January 1850 was recorded February 1850 in Will Book 2, p. 430, Greenbrier County, Virginia. It mentions wife, Mary; six children: Sally Mann, Elisabeth Fisher, Ruth George, Thomas Conner, Cynthia Hines, and Martha Conner; children John Conner, Jr. and Polly Atthar, wife of William Atthar, already received their share. Executor: Charles Hines. Codicil states Cynthia Hines has died and her part to go to her children: Mary Jane, John, James William, Lorenzo, and Martha Hines. Witnesses: William Smith and Edward R. Skaggs.
The deed records of Greenbrier County, West Virginia, give the following deeds pertaining to John Mann:
- Deed Book 7, p. 105: May 28, 1816. Hugh and James McLaughlin and Peggy, the wife of Hugh, of Greenbrier County to John Mann, also of Greenbrier County, for $1.00, a 1/2 acre lot
- Deed Book 7, p. 398. December 5, 1818. John Mann and Sally, his wife, to Samuel Jones, all of Greenbrier County for $100, 1/2 acre lot
- Deed Book 10, p. 520. October 5, 1827, recorded October 25, 1827. Deed in trust from John Mann of Greenbrier County and Cyrus Cary and Joseph McClung of the same county, to secure payment of $250 to Patrick Beirne, Andrew Beirne, and George Beirne, merchants and partners (Beirne & Co.) for $1.00, 260 acres on Muddy Creek adjoining lands of John Conner (now lives there), and the land of the heirs of John McClung, generally known as the Butler Place, and conveyed to John Mann the 21 instant by John Conner. Note on the side of the deed states: paid in full December 12, 1837. Signed P. Beirne for Beirne & Co.
- Deed Book 10, p. 489. October 24, 1827, recorded October 24, 1827. John Conner and Mary, his wife, to John Mann, all of Greenbrier County, Virginia for $1.00, 260 acres on Muddy Creek.
- Deed Book 12, p. 269. April 15, 1832. Andrew H. Boggess to John Mann for $70, miscellaneous property
- Deed Book 15, p. 82. October 4, 1839, recorded October 1839. John Mann and Sarah, his wife, to Arthur L. Anderson, all of Greenbrier County, for $1.00, 103 acres on Muddy Creek, it being part of the plantation he now resides on and joining Joseph McClung, Moses Shuck, John Conner, and John Mann.
- Deed Book 15, p. 381. January 23, 1841, recorded February 6, 1941. John Mann and Sarah, his wife, to Andrew Hamilton, all of Greenbrier County, for $1.00, 157 acres on both sides of Muddy Creek adjoining the lands of Joseph McClung, a tract called the McClanachan tract and a tract now belonging to Arthur Anderson.
Mathew R. Mann was in what is now Franklin County, Tennessee by 1819 when he signed a petition addressed to the Secretary of War from the Cherokee County which asked for lenity in the order that "all intruders" remove from the lands of the Cherokee Nation by the first day of July, 1819 (Territorial Papers of the United States, Vol. VII, Mississippi Territory)He is listed as an early settler in 1819, who afterwards engaged in cotton spinning on p. 786, History of Tennessee, The Goodspeed Publishing Co., Nashville, 1886.
The following items regarding Mathew R. Mann were extracted from the records of Franklin County, Tennessee:
- Deed Book J., p. 579. December 2, 1825. Millenton Ledbetter to Mathew R. Mann, both of Franklin County for $1,000--100 acres on Dry Creek of Elk River
- Deed Books F & K, p. 257. November 13, 1826. Mathew R. Mann to William Estill, both of Franklin County, for $400, one acre more or less adjoining the town of Winchester
- Records of Land Grants, p. 216, no. 1089. Matthew R. Mann and Jonathan Turner for $2.22--222 acres on the Cumberland Mountain. February 3, 1827.
- Records of Land Grants, p., 256, no. 1286. Mentions Mathew R. Mann's two-hundred acre tract in describing land on Cumberland Mountain. March 1, 1826.
- Minute Book 1837 to 1848, p. 183. This day (April 6, 1840) Mathew R. Mann who was second of one Commissioned by the Governor one of the acting justices of the peace in and for Franklin County and District No. 2 came into open court and was qualified as such.
- Minute Book 1837 to 1848, p. 204. August 3, 1840. Mathew R. Mann qualified as guardian for Eliza Jane and John Ball, orphans of Lewis Ball, deceased
- Minute Book 1837 to 1848, p. 237. January 4, 1841. Mathew R. Mann, administrator of the estate of Ann Dixon, deceased, returned to court an inventory of said deed estate which being sworn to by him was received by the Court and ordered to be recorded
- Minute Book 1837 to 1848, p. 274. Elizabeth Ball, administratrix of Ann Dixon, deceased, presented to Court a proven account against said deceased estate which was received by the Court and was ordered to be recorded.
- Minute Book 1837 to 1848, p. 237. January 4, 1841. Ordered by the court that John Handly, Dudelly Johnson, John Morris Sr., John Morris Jr., George Tipps, John Gillespie and James Morris be appointed a Jury of View to view and lay out a road from William L. Smith's to Mann & Decherd's factory the nearest and best route so as to intersect the Fayetteville road near Lackeys. Issued January 8, 1841.
- September Term 1842. Mathew R. Mann entered bond and received letters testamentary in the estate of Larkin Hagan.
- Page 491. February 5, 1844. This day Mathew R. Mann, one of the Justices in District No. 2, offered his resignation as such to Court; which was received by the Court and ordered to spread upon record.
- Court Records, p. 364. February 5, 1872. M. R. Mann, guardian of Oakley's heirs, settled January 20th, 1872.
- March Term, 1877. M. R. Mann estate inventory filed. John T. Mann, administrator.
- January Term, 1878. John T. Mann, administrator of estate of M. R. Mann, paid money to W. J. Slatter in final settlement. R. N. Mann then became administrator
The first time Mathew R. Mann is found in Franklin County, Tennessee Census Records is in 1830. The 1850 Census for Franklin County, Tennessee shows:
Matthew Mann 53 M Farmer Born Va. Elizabeth Mann 44 F Va. Newton Mann 25 M Tenn. Samira Ann Mann 20 F Tenn. Eveline Syler 19 F Tenn. John Turner Mann 16 M Tenn. Sarah J. Mann 14 F Tenn. Mary S. Mann 12 F Tenn. Mathew Mann, Jr. 11 M Tenn. Virginia S. Mann 8 F Tenn. Margaret S. Mann 5 F Tenn. John W. Syler 20 M Tenn. Elizabeth Syler 1/2 F Tenn. Isaac Hutton 15 M The 1860 Census for Franklin County, Tennessee on p. 38, District No. 2, taken June 15, 1860, P.O. Winchester shows:
Matthew R. Mann 63 M Farmer Born Va. Elizabeth Mann 54 F Va. Matthew Mann 20 M Farmhand Tenn. Virginia S. Mann 17 F Tenn. Margaret R. Mann 15 F Tenn. Martha Frame 32 F Tenn. John Frame 10 M Tenn. M. R. Frame 8 M Tenn. When the Civil War began, Mathew R. Mann had a large plantation, a factory, and a gin in Owl Hollow near the Elk River, and 75 negroes. He was also an excellent cabinet maker. The will of Samuel Roseborough of Franklin County, Tennessee, dated October 23, 1851, mentions "one high-posted bedstead of cherry tree made in Mathew R. Mann's shop and one cherry tree bureau, and one small cherry tree table with a drawer and glass knobs, both made in Samuel Slater's Shop."
The Mathew Roberson Mann Family Bible is now [1965] in the possession of Mr. George Ira Frame of Dalton, Georgia. The Bible was stereotyped by E. White, New York. Published and sold by Kimber and Sharpless at their Book Store, No. 8, South 4th Street. No publication date given.
Family Record: Marriages
- Mathew & Elizabeth was married March the 25th 1823
- Benjamin Frame and Martha Elizabeth Mann were married Sept. 7, 1848
- John Wiley Woods and Judith E. Syler was married the ___ of May 1849
- Charles F. and ____________
- Mathew R. Frame was married to Sophia E. P. Heath January 22nd 1879
- Humes L. Frame was married to Elsie N. Luttrell Sept. 1st 1905
- Mathew R. Mann was Born Sept. the 18th 1796
- Elizabeth M. Mann was Born December the 6th 1805
- Robert Newton Mann was Born March the 1st 1825
- Martha Elizabeth Mann was Born December 21st 1827
- Samira Ann Mann was Born October the 28th 1829
- Judith Eveline Mann was Born Sept. the 30th 1831
- John T. Mann was Born January the 26th 1836
- Sarah Jane Mann was Born May the 6th 1836
- Mary Sophrony was Born April the 18th 1838
- Mathew R. Mann was Born March the 20th 1840
- Virginia Susan Josafine Mann was Born Sept the 14th 1842
- Margaret Ruth Eliza Mann was born May the 19th 1845
- Frances Eunis was Born the 29th of August 1847
- John T. Frame was Born December the 15th 1849
- Mathew R. Frame was Born May the 23rd 1852
- Humes L. Frame was Born May the 25th 1884
- George Ira Frame was Born May 22 1892
- Audry Lillian Frame was Born July 17th 1906
- Frances Eunis Departed this life Sept. the 16th 1847
- Sarah Jane Mann Departed this life Feb the 2nd 1853
- Samira Ann Woods Departed this life May the 3rd 1855
- Martha Elizabeth Frame Departed this life April 11th 1880
- Mathew R. Frame Departed this life February 11th 1919
- Elizabeth M. Mann departed this life Sept. 2nd 1876
- Mathew R. Mann Departed this life Dec. 14th 1876
- Robert Newton Mann departed this life Nov. 23 1903
End of Bible Record
Other notes in the Bible indicate that Mathew Frame and Sophie Elizabeth Heath were married January 22, 1879. G. W. L. Heath and Annie Vernette Hise were married January 26, 1851. G. W. L. Heath was born March 13, 1827 and died June 27, 1863. Annie Vernette Hise was born February 21, 1834. G. W. L. Heath was a son of Abner C. Heath who was born July 3, 1796.
October the 11th 1870Dear Sister
I take my pen in hand to drop you a few lines to let you no that we are all well as common hoping this may find you all well. I received your kind and affectionate leter and I was glad to hear form you all but I was grieved to hear that our much beloved brother was gone. I have nothing much to rite at this time. I looked for you to come to see us this fall, but I did not get to see you. I would be glad if you and Mr. Mann could come and see us once more.
Times is hard and money scarce and I don't think that pork is a going to be as good a price as it was last fall.
You named about brother William sufering so for the last two years. I did not no any thing about it, did not no that he was laboring under any disease till I got your letter.
Charles Woods and family is well all but Wiley and he is going about, but has not bin well this summer. Lucinda and the children all sends thare love to you all and ask to tell sist Judry howdy for them. Allso give my love to sister Judith and family and brother Roberson and family.
John Turner and family is well and Leander S. Turner and family is well.
Dear sister Betsey and sister Judith, I send my love to you both and your familys and I hope that if we never meete again on earth, we will meete in heaven whare thare will be no more parting, no more sorrows, no more death. So I will come to a close, still remains your sister untill death.
Nancy Turner
The Turner Cemetery in Winchester, Tennessee, has the following inscriptions on the stones there:
- Geo. L. Oakley, born Jan. 27, 1867, died Sept. 25, 1905
- Martha E., wife of Jas. S. Oakley, born June 20, 1835, died Aug. 12, 1906
- J. ? Oakley, born Sept. 15 1835, died April 6, 1912
- Mathew R. Mann, born Sept. 18, 1796, died Dec. 14, 1876 (Masonic emblem)
- Elizabeth M. Mann, born Dec. 16, 1805, died Sept. 2, 1876
- Sarah J. Mann, daughter of M. R. & Elizabeth Mann, born May 6, 1836, died Feb 2. 185__ (tree grown over stone)
- Samira Ann Woods, consort of Charles F. Woods and daughter of M. R. & Elizabeth Mann, born Oct. 28, 1829, died May 3, 1855
- Maria C. Turner, daughter of Mary N. & Francis Turner, born June 25, 1832 (or 1835), died Nov. 5, 1853
- Francis Turner, son of John & Judith Turner & husband of Mary N. Turner was born Nov. 16, 1798, died Feb 1., 1847
- Mary N. Turner, wife of Francis Turner, born April 4, 1802, died Dec. 28, 1876
- John T. Turner, son of Francis & Mary N. Turner, born Nov. 2, 1823, died Feb 2, 1841
- Judith Turner, wife of John Turner, born Nov. 10, 1771, died Aug. 7, 1848 (This stone has since been moved to the Winchester Cemetery in Winchester, TN)
- John Turner, born Mar. 23, 1772, died Mar. 3, 1856 (This stone has been moved to the Winchester Cemetery, Winchester, TN)
- Mary E. Oliver, second wife of R. J. Turner, born Oct. 5, 1824, died Dec. 15, 1890
- R. J. Turner, born June 26, 1815, died Feb. 12, 1889
- Frances E., wife of R. J. Turner, born March 24, 1821, died May 22, 1857
- R. J. Turner, son of R. J. & F. E. Turner, born Aug. 24, 1852, died Feb. 20, 1873
- Mary Emma Oakley, wife of J. L. Turner, born Dec. 28, 1848, died Oct. 15, 1873
- James M., son of R. J. & F. E. Turner, born June 7, 1838, died June 20, 1838
- John C., son of Mr. & Mrs. J. C. Arledge, born Nov. 6, 1882, died Mar. 22, 1885
- Elizabeth Jane, daughter of J. W. & Judith E. Syler, born April 30, 1850, died Oct. 11, 1852, aged 2 years, 5 mos., & 12 days
- Mathew Robertson, son of J. W. & Judith E. Syler, born March 6, 1852, died Aug. 24, 1852, aged 5 mos. & 18 days
- Judith E., wife of J. W. Syler, born Sept. 30, 1831, died July 31, 1865
- Susan J. V., wife of J. W. Syler, born Sept 14, 1842, died Sept 12, 1874
- Josephine Turner, born 1925, died 1927
- Floyd Leslie, son of A. P. & M. E. Maze, born June 4, 1905, died Feb. 14, 1906
The 1860 Census for Franklin County, Tennessee, p. 60, line 40 shows:
Robert N. Mann 35 M Cotton Spinner Born Tenn. Nancy J. Mann 27 F Tenn. John Mann 8 M Tenn. Elizabeth Mann 5 F Tenn. Matthew Mann 3 M Tenn. Mary F. Mann 8/12 F Tenn. Sarah A. Mann 8/12 F Tenn. Robert Newton Mann, like his father, loved to hear the hum of machinery. He worked with his father at his factory and gin in Owl Hollow until the spring of 1850 when he came to Falls Mills to oversee the factory of George W. Hunt. He and Azariah David bought out Hunt and Criddle and began to enlarge. The brick factory, mill and stone dam were completed in 1873. Machinery from Philadelphia for weaving was installed. Robert N. Mann was exempt from military service because of the mills and the wool and cotton aids to manufacture cloth. The credit system after the war brought disaster to the mills without a railroad. The Union forces tried to burn the old wooden mill three times without success.
The Robert N. Mann house was built in 1849 by Dr. Criddle. It was purchased by Mann in 1859 from Mr. George W. Hunt. This property is now [1965] owned by Mr. Jeff Gunn of Huntsville, Alabama.
Robert N. Mann remained with the wool cards until Thursday before his death on Sunday night, November 23, 1903 of pneumonia.
His will is recorded in Will Book 1875-1913, p. 419, Franklin County, Tennessee. It reads:
State of Tennessee, Franklin County. I, R. N. Mann of said County and State do make this my last will this is to certify that I have rented my farm to my son J. L. Mann by the year to keep the tax paid and necessary expense to keep up the farm and support me and my wife our life time in consideration for the use of the farm. At my death I want the farm sold, my stock in the Falls Mills Mfg. Company, in addition my household furniture, to wit: one portable wardrobe, one chiney press, one Book case, two Buroes, one Bedstead, one feather bed, one bolster with two cases, 2 pillows with 2 sets of slips, 2 large sham pillows with two sets of slips, one bed blanket, two bed sheets, two quilts, to sell with bed, one white counterpane, a trunk of extra quilts, one cotton & shuck mattress, two settees, six parlor chairs, one large rocking chair, one clothes basket, one double lounge stead, one side board, 1 hat rack, pair of shovel & tongs, one sausage mill, one table with stone top for biscuit making, two small tables, one dining table at Mr. Jake Ray's, one 8 day clock, one watch, one large white washing bowl, and if anything of value to be sold after my just debts are paid, I want my estate to be equally divided with my children. I hereby appoint and nominate Jno. Lipscomb to be my executor to settle up my estate, without giving bond.This 20 day of May 1901.
R. N. Mann
Recorded January 4, 1904.Both Robert Newton Mann and Nancy Jane Lipscomb are buried in the Lipscomb Cemetery near Huntland, Tennessee. The inscriptions on the tombstones in this cemetery are as follows:
- Ann D. Lipscomb, born Aug. 8, 1880, died March 26, 1870
- William Lipscomb, born Jan. 17, 1774, died Jan 17. 1829
- Elizabeth Lipscomb, born Feb. 23, 1808, died March 16, 1847
- Wm. C. Lipscomb, born June 7, 1804, died Dec. 20, 1877
- Garland N. Mann, born April 29, 1865, died May 21, 1866
- Mary F. Mann, daughter of R. N. & N. J. Mann, departed this life June 16, 1882, aged 22 years
- Infant son of H. R. & A. H. Moore, died Sept. 16, 1863
- Mary M. Lipscomb, born Nov. 24, 1838, died April 8, 1871
- Lucy N. Dean, wife of T. F. Moseley, born Jan 26, 1824, died July 18, 1854
- Henry Trall Mann, born Dec. 5, 1872, died Dec. 23, 1891
- Mary Jane Bickley, born Sept. 21, 1844, died April 1, 1877
- Wm. L. Collins, born July 3, 1834, died Nov. 2, 1895
- Sallie Carson, born Sept 15, 1842, died Aug 21, 1895
- James M. Collins, born Oct 30, 1864, died Jan 26, 1896
- Arch C., son of A. B. & Mollie Collins, born Sept. 19, 1904, died Nov. 2, 1904
- In memory of N. J. Mann, daughter of Jne. & Sallie Lipscomb, born July 17, 1832, married to R. N. Mann, Oct. 30, 1851, died Dec. 29, 1895
- Robert Newton Mann, born Mar 1, 1825, died Nov 23, 1903
Both Robert Newton Mann and Nancy Jane Lipscomb, his wife, were members of the Salem Church of Christ.
The following items in the Frame family were extracted from the records of Franklin County, Tennessee:
- County Court Records. March Term 1839--Robert Frame's estate inventory by James Morris filed
- October Term 1840. Sinthy Frame's allowance for one year set by committee of John Turner, William Simmons, and Zachariah Murrell. Sinthy Frame was the wife of John Frame, deceased.
- February Term, 1841. John Frame deceased allowed $300 as former administrator of Ezekiel Phillips estate
- October Term 1841. William Frame error made in listing a slave belonging to Frame's estate
- November Term 1841. William Frame's will probated.
- February Term 1842. Thomas Spencer guardian of Sally, James and Elizabeth Frame, heirs of William Frame deceased
- February Term 1842. Cynthia Frame accounted for her expense for infant heirs of John Frame, namely, Mary, Martha, Benjamin, Willie, Joseph and Susan.
- April Term 1842. William Frame appointed road overseer
- November Term 1849. Final Settlement presented to the court with Wm. L. Frame guardian of John R. Frame
- March Term 1850. Ordered by the court that Wm. Pylant and Thomas P. Oakley, Wilson Hudson and hands and Logan Morris work under Benj. Frame overseer, etc., in addition to the hands heretofore allotted to him.
- July Term 1851. L. L. (or S. S.?) Mathews has been acting as guardian of a portion of the minor heirs of John Frame, deed, and entered into a new bond as required by law with Benjamin Frame and Wm. Frame as his securities.
- October Term 1852. William Frame appointed overseer of the road 2nd class from the house formerly occupied by L. L. (or S. S.?) Mathews to the corner of the field owned by John H. Morris in front of John W. Wiler that he keep the same in good repair according to law and have the following hands: M. D. Embry & hands, J. B. Turner & Hands, M. R. Mann & hands, Mr. Kimbro, Wm. Simmons, Edward Morris, Wiley Frame, William Pylant, Thomas P. Oakley, Wilson Hudson & hands, Logan Morris.
- May Term 1853. William Frame appointed guardian of Pleasant, Robert, William & Mary Hill, minor heirs of Robert Hill. Joseph Frame, Benjamin Frame, and John Baker, securities.
The 1850 Census for Franklin County, Tennessee, p. 36 shows:
Benjamin Frame 23 M Farmer Born Tenn. Martha Frame 20 F Tenn. John M. Frame 9/12 M Tenn. Wesly (?) Frame 17 M Tenn. Susan Frame 16 F Tenn. Joseph Frame 21 M Tenn. Martha Elizabeth Mann Frame inherited the Mathew Roberson Mann Family Bible.
The following is from History of Tennessee, The Goodspeed Publishing Co., 1886, Nashville, p. 842:John W. Syler, the surveyor of Franklin County, was born April 23, 1825, in this county, being a son of Jacob and Jane (Thompson) Syler, natives of Franklin County, Tennessee, and North Carolina, respectively. The grandfather was John Syler, who came from Rockbridge County, Virginia in 1812, and settled in the west part of this county. Here he reared his family, all the Sylers of the county being descendants of his.Jacob Syler, like his father, was a farmer, a man of ordinary means. The mother came from her native State to this county when young and lived all her remaining life in Franklin County.
John W. Syler, the subject of this sketch, was reared on a farm. He attended and graduated from the Davidson College of North Carolina, and then entered the profession of teaching. For about ten years, he was professor of mathematics, languages and science in the Robert Donald College at Winchester, Tennessee. He then taught at the Carrick Academy of Winchester, for many years, being engaged in the profession of teaching altogether about twenty years. He has also carried on farming all the time since he was a young man. He now owns about 10,000 acres of wild land. He has been superintendent of public instruction in this county for many years. In 1878 he was elected county surveyor of Franklin County, and now holds that office. From 1869 to 1872 he was engaged in merchandising. He was married in 1853 to Miss E. V. Mann, the fruits of this union being ten children, eight of whom are now living, and six of who are grown, viz.: Mollie L. (wife of Peter Weir of Texas), J. F., Annie V. (wife of Fred Heep of Texas), Bettie J. (wife of J. C. Arledge), John T., Emma, Walter S., and M. R. Mr. Syler is a Blue Lodge Mason. Politically he is a firm Democrat."
[Note from Cathrine Mann: part of this sketch is in error, namely the part about his wife and children.]
The will of John Syler [so spelled] was dated April 29, 1851 and probated September 1851. It is recorded in Will Book 1, p. 286, Franklin County, Tennessee. It mentions son Jacob Syler--land purchased from Robert W. Thompson, it being the same land Jacob Syler sold to Isaac Syler; son, Isaac Syler; Elizabeth Newman; wife, Sarah; grandson, George Washington Siler; grandson, John W. Siler; grandson, John Siler Newman; daughter, Elizabeth Newman; lawful heirs: Jacob Siler, Isaac Siler, Elizabeth Newman and Polly Powers; grandson, William Siler, Isaac Siler's son. Executors: John W. Siler, Isaac Syler, Jacob Siler, and Randolph Newman.
- County Court Records of Franklin County, Tennessee, October Term 1853, p. 574, states that John W. Siler was executor of John Siler, deceased.
- December Term 1851, p. 285, states that Sarah Siler was appointed guardian of Madison Powers, minor heir of Holloway Powers. Arthur S. Colyer and George Simmons, securities
- December Term 1852, p. 445 states Jacob Siler died intestate and Thomas Gore applied for administration. The widow relinquished her right to administer. Gore appointed with Isaac N. Siler, Joshua Gore, and Arthur S. Colyer as securities.
- December Term 1852, p. 451. John W. Siler appointed guardian of Martha, Joseph, Thomas, Minerva, James, A. F., Basheba & Philip Syler minor heirs of Jacob Siler, deceased. Alfred Henderson and A. S. Colyer were his securities.
- January Term, p. 464. Louisa Syler, widow of Jacob Syler, petitions for dower which is laid off.
In 1850, John Wesley Syler and his wife, Judith Eveline Mann, and child, Elizabeth Jane Syler, were living with the family of Mathew Roberson Mann.
The 1860 Census for Franklin County, Tennessee, p. 10, District No. 1, taken June 4, 1860, P. O. Winchester, Tennessee, Family 65-64 shows:
John W. Syler 35 M Prof. Mathematics Born Tenn. Judith E. Syler 30 F Tenn. Mary L. Syler 6 F Tenn. Joseph Syler 4 M Tenn. Virginia A. Syler 2 F Tenn. Sarah Syler 1/12 F Tenn. Joseph Syler 25 M Lawyer Tenn. The records of Calhoun County, Alabama, shows that Mathew R. Mann and his two sons-in-law, John Wesley Syler and Joseph Franklin Syler, owned land in that county. This apparently explains the birthplace of Emma Syler as Alabama.
The 1880 Census for Franklin County, Tennessee, shows:
John W. Syler 55 M Father Widower County Surveyor Tenn. Tenn. N.C. Joseph Syler 24 M Son Single Miller Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Anna Syler 22 F Dau. Single Housekeeping Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Bettie Syler 20 F Dau. Single Housekeeping Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. John Syler 17 M Son In school Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Walter Syler 12 M Son In school Tenn. Tenn. Tenn. Matthew Syler 10 M Son In school Tenn. Tenn. Tenn.
Mathew Roberson Mann, son of Robert Newton Mann and Nancy Jane Lipscomb was injured in a fall when a small boy and was deaf and dumb as a result. He attended Tennessee School for the Deaf and Dumb at Knoxville, Tennessee. Here he stayed until he graduated and then taught there until his retirement as president of the institution. His wife, Fannie Fleming, was also deaf and dumb. She attended the Alabama State School for the Deaf and Dumb and also the Tennessee School for the Deaf and Dumb at Knoxville.The following information was copied from the Family Bible of Horace Newton Mann. When copied the Bible was in the possession of Mr. Horace Newton Mann of Hohenwald, Tennessee. Published by A. J. Holman Company, Philadelphia. No date given.
- Horace Newton Mann of Allen's Creek, Tennessee & Hattie Lou Voorhies of Wayne (Lewis) County, Tennessee married at Thos. Voorhies residence 5th Dec. 1892. In presence of Sallie Mann, A. W. Bogle
- H. N. Mann, Mar 1, 1868
- Hattie Lou Mann, Jan 19. 1873
- Dave L. Voorhies, Mar 1, 1881
- Esther Jane Mann, July 14, 1894
- Theo Leone Mann, July 6, 1899
- Hattie Corinne Mann Apr 26, 1903
- Eloise Adcox 3-11-1919
- Jas. M. Adcox 9-10-21
- Henry Mann Dawson 2-9-1931
- Davie Lee Dawson 9-14-1928
- Beverly Jane McCord 12-30-1941
- Jane Ann Adcox Jan 21 1946
- David Maury Adcox May 11, 1948
- James Maury Adcox, Jr. Feb 23, 1952
- Linda Louise Dawson, Oct 7, 1954
- Frank Harris Dockins, Sept 5, 1954
- Esther Jane Mann to Elbert Murray Adcox 8-29-1918
- Hattie Corinne Mann to Logan A. Dawson 8-10-1924
- Theo Leone Mann to Arthur Lee Plummer 12-3-1929
- Everett Wesley McCord to Eloise Mann Adcox 8-5-1939
- Jas. M. Adcox to Theo Lester 10-29-1943
- Henry Mann Dawson to Louise _______ 1954
- E. M. Adcox 10-2-1900
- Logan A. Dawson 2-10-1903
Eugene Turner Mann, son of Robert Newton Mann, attended Webb's School, Bellbuckle, Tennessee. Early in his life he became interested in the mining industry and took an active part in the development of iron ore mines in middle Tennessee and Round Mountain, Cherokee County, Alabama. He later served as an official of the Lookout Mountain Coal and Iron Company in their development of coal and iron mines at Battelle, DeKalb County, Alabama. Later, when the Lookout Mountain Coal and Iron Company was forced to close its operations due to competition from the United States Steel Company, Mr. Mann became manager of the commissary department at Birmingham, Alabama. He contracted pneumonia while on a hunting trip and died shortly thereafter. He was a brilliant conversationalist, humanist, devoted student of history, and had many friends in all fields of endeavor., After the death of Mr. Mann, his widow and three children returned to Cedar Bluff, Cherokee County, Alabama, her native home to live. He was a member of the Cumberland Presbyterian Church.Lola Josephine Williamson attended Taft Academy at Taft, Cherokee County, Alabama and the Collinsville Academy for Girls at Collinsville, Alabama. She organized the first PTA at Cedar Bluff, Alabama. She died unexpectedly at her home of a heart condition. She was a member of the Baptist church.
Maria Ellen Roseborough was the daughter of Samuel Montague Roseborough and granddaughter of Samuel Roseborough and his first wife, Elizabeth (or Eliza) Hall. The will of Samuel Roseborough is recorded in Will Book 1, p. 305, Franklin County, Tennessee. It reads:
I, Samuel Roseborough of Franklin County and State of Tennessee, being of sound and disposing mind make and ordain this my last Will and Testament in form following to wit: I give and covenant my soul to the hands of the Almighty God who gave it and my body to the earth to be decently interned and my funeral expenses to be paid out of the sales of my property. And touching my worldly estate, I will and bequeath unto my wife, Mary A. Roseborough the following property to wit: All the houses and lots I now reside in in the town of Winchester, Tennessee which I bought from Mical Taul (?) the 21st day of October 1846. I further give and bequeath unto my said wife the following slave, one negro man named Robinson. Likewise all the provisions on hand, all the grain and provender on hand, also all the crop on my said lot, also livestock consisting of horses, cattle and hogs. Likewise all my house holds and Kitchen furniture and all my cooking utensils of every description. Likewise my Buggy and Buggy harness and my clock together with all the cloth and clothing of myself and family except Nancy N. Bartton's clothing, also all my Bedsteads, bed and furniture of the same. Also my Wagon and Wagon harness all my plow and plow harness and all my farming tools and utensils. Also my Cotton Spinning Wheel and Cards and check Reel. I likewise give unto my said Wife the following books being a part of my library to wit: Pearl Thomas Seaul's comment on the bible in those volumes. Reed James McGrady's sermons in two volumes. Read Doctor Witherspoon's works 2nd and 3rd and 4th Volumes, the first Volume being lost. Brown's Dictionary of the Bible. Evangelical Library fifteen Volumes, and my family Bible, and one P. Setolen book.Nevertheless I give and degree it unto Nancy E. Bratton one high posted bedstead of Cherry tree made in Mathew R. Mann's shop, likewise one good featherbed and good under bed bowles, tins, pillows, and slips for the same, also two good calico quilts, one good cotton counterpane, one blanket, and two good sheets. Also one small cherry tree table with a drawer and glass knobs, also one cherry tree beaureau both made on Samuel Slater's Shop, also all the Clothing and School Books.
I design adding a half scholarship to the half I have heretofore endowed in the Cumberland University in Lebanon and it is well that the right of said scholarship be not changed or transferred out of the family, but that said right remain my offspring forever. And if more than one of my offsprings should apply for admittance at one time, it is my will that the family decide which shall be admitted first. Nevertheless I wish to reserve room for my Grandson Lewis T. Robbins, who is now about two and twenty years old as soon as he will be performed to enter the university.
It is also my Will that a Certified Copy of this clause or my Will be sent to the faculty of said Institution and be filed in their office references.
I will that twenty-four aces and 1/4 of land in Franklin County in the North side of Elk River on the Sulphur Branch, beginning at James S. Roseborough North East corner in the North boundary house of Thomas Halls 3000 acre track running East with said line sixty poles to a stake thence South Sixty four poles to a stake and pointers near the Sulphur branch thence West Sixty poles to James S. Roseborough's East boundary line thence North Sixty four poles with said Line to the beginning be set apart for the use of a common school to be kept on the premises but to be more specific, I have given and bequeath the above described parcel of land to my trust friend in trust for the use and benefit of children in that neighborhood, that is to say, he is to hold the legal title to said land giving the common school Commissions of that District the entire management of the rents and profits and all manners of benefits which may rise from said land who are herby instructed to use and apply the same to the use and benefit of such school or schools as they may see proper to have together on the premises to go and be applied in the same way everything that the common school fund is or should the school be discontinued or withdrawn from the place from any reason, then it is my Will that said land be sold as such time as said trustee may see fit to prescribe and place the proceeds in the hands of the County Trustee of Franklin County to become a part of the Common School fund for said County and to in the same way in every particular, that said Common School Funds goes with the laws of the State of Tennessee.
I will that a piece of parcel of land lying in Franklin County the South Side of Elk River, Beginning at a popular on the bank of said Elk River a corner of the tract of land that Judy Gillespie now lives on running down the river with its meanderings round to a stake and pointers another Corner of the tract of land that said Judy lives on, thence South to the Beginning supposed to be about fifty acres be sold and the proceeds be equally divided into three equal parts and one third to be given to the American Bible Society and one third to the American home missionary Society and the remaining third be divided into two equal parts and one half of the same be given to the American Track Society and the other half to the Sabbath School reunion.
Having given to my children generally such portions of my property or Estate as I will hereafter mentioned and annex to their several names and Such process as I deem equalable and right to wit:
To my son Edwin I. Roseborough, a track of land one hundred and forty nine acres worth one Thousand dollars, one cow and calf worth ten Dollars, one feather bed bedstead and furniture worth twenty five dollars, ten head of sheep, one cow and calf, and other assets worth fifty Dollars.To my son James S. Roseborough, two tracks of land containing one hundred and ninety acres worth one thousand and eighty six dollars, one feather bed bedstead and furniture worth twenty five dollars, one cow and calf worth ten dollars.
To my son Samuel Roseborough, two tracts of land containing almost two hundred and twenty one acres worth eight hundred and seventy eight dollars, one feather bed bedstead and furniture worth twenty five dollars, two cows and calves worth twenty dollars.
To my daughter _____ Knight, one negro girl worth three hundred dollars, one feather bed bedstead and furniture worth twenty five dollars, one cow and calf, some household and kitchen furniture worth twenty five dollars, one mare saddle and Bridle worth eighty dollars.
To my daughter Eliza Oakley, one tract of land worth four hundred dollars, one negro girl worth three hundred dollars, one feather bed bedstead and furniture worth twenty five dollars, and sundry household and kitchen furniture worth fifteen dollars.
To my daughter Jane L. Adams, one mare saddle and Bridle worth eighty dollars, one negro girl worth three hundred dollars, two feather beds and furniture and sundry other articles of household furniture worth sixty Dollars.
To my daughter Muriel T. Lusk, one negro girl worth three hundred dollars, one mare saddle and bridle worth fifty dollars.
To my daughter Unice L. McDaniel, the tract of lands she now lives on worth three hundred dollars, one negro boy worth four hundred dollars, two feather bed bedsteads and furniture worth fifty dollars, two cows and calves, and one yearling worth twenty five dollars.
It is my will that the residue of my land be sold either publicly or privately as my Executors may think best and that the proceeds of the sale together with such debts due me as my Executor will be able to collect to appropriated as follows:
First that all my just debts be paid.Second that the balance be so divided amongst those of my children named as follows: Edwin I. Roseborough, William H. Roseborough, James S. Roseborough, Samuel M. Roseborough, ________ McKnight, ______, C. Adams, Muriel T. Lusk, Unice McDaniel as to make them as near equal as practical in the division taken together with the amount given each one heretofore. I direct that my two slaves, Esther and Jane, Ester's child, and all their children born after the date of this my last Will and Testament go into the hands of my friend, Luther Colyar, whom I hereby nominate as Trustee to take charge of said slaves immediately after my death and here through out until they raised a fund sufficient to transport them to Liberia in Africa and settle there comfortably in that Country under the regulations of the American Colonization society and also to allow my said Trustee reasonable Compensation for this service and should my said Trustee die before this wish is performed, then I direct my Executor to Execute this wish. Said slaves to be free as soon as said fund above is raised.
I do here make and appoint my entrusted friend and neighbor William Reeves my Executor of this my last Will and Testament. I Witness hereof I Samuel Roseborough the said Testator have to this my last Will and Testament set my name and seal this 28th day of October 1851.
Witnesses 6 November 1851
Benjamin Decherd
W. D. Wagment
A.S. Colyar
County Clerk
Robert Neville Mann attended Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University), Auburn, Alabama, and did graduate study in Economics at Columbia University, New York City, for two years. Until his retirement for physical disability in 1964, he was employed by the New York Telephone Company as executive in charge of Revenue and Financial Matters. He has traveled extensively on all continents except Asia and Australia. Mr. Mann served as a Lieutenant Colonel in World War II from 28 February 1942 to 15 June 1946 in the Office of the Chief Signal Officer of the Army in Washington, D.C. He wrote the book, The Efficient Utilization of Officer Personnel in the Signal Corps. This plan, as outlined in this book, was adopted subsequently by the entire Army, the Air Force, and the Navy. For his services he was awarded the Legion of Merit in 1945. For his services in World War II he also was awarded the New York State Conspicuous Service Cross by Governor Thomas E. Dewey in 1946. He has also written a book on sales management and one on personnel management.Mr. Mann is a member of the Alabama Society of Colonial Wars, the Alabama Society of Sons of the Revolution, the Georgia Society of Sons of the American Revolution, and the Alabama Society of the War of 1812. He is a former member of the New York Society of Military and Naval Officers, The Commonwealth Club, the City Club of New York, the University Club of New York, and the University Club of Washington, D.C. He is a member of the Official Board of the First Methodist Church, Cedar Bluff, Alabama. He organized and served as president of the Cherokee County Historical Society.
Malcena Cathrine Cleek Mann (Mrs. Robert Neville Mann) attended Mary Washington College, a branch of the University of Virginia at Fredericksburg, Virginia, and did graduate work in business administration at American University, Washington, D.C. She entered the War Department as a civilian employee shortly before the outbreak of World War II where she was promoted rapidly. She advanced through various administrative and executive assignments in the Office of the Chief Signal Officer to the Office of the Chief of Staff of the Army.
At the time of her resignation on April 1, 1949 to be married, she was Chief of the Administrative Area Section, Office of the Chief of Staff. She was awarded the War Department's Meritorious Civilian Service Badge and Citation by the Chief of Staff of the Army for her services in that office. Mrs. Mann, since her marriage, has been much interested in history and genealogy, and has written a number of books in this field. She is a member of the Tennessee Society of Daughters of Colonial Wars; the Xavier Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, Rome Georgia; the Tennessee Society of Huguenots; the Northeast Alabama Genealogical Society; and the Northwest Georgia Genealogical and Historical Society.
Eugene Turner Mann attended Vanderbilt University, Nashville, Tennessee, and received a B.S. degree in Business and Commerce form the University of Alabama. He was employed by the Banker's Trust Company, New York, NY after his graduation from college as teller in charge of Foreign Letters of Credit. He returned to Alabama and received B.S. and M.S. degrees in Education from Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). He also attended George Peabody College, Nashville, Tennessee, where he did further graduate work in education.
He served in World War II and was attending Officer Candidate School, Fort Monmouth, New Jersey, when he was discharged form the Army at the end of the war. He taught school for several years in Cherokee County, Alabama and Rome, Georgia. He is now [1965] Principal of East Side Elementary School, Dalton, Georgia. He has been active in numerous civic organizations as well as political, educational and religious organizations. He and his wife are members of the Baptist Church. He is a member of the Georgia Society of Sons of the American Revolution, and the Alabama Society of the War of 1812.
Mary Josephine Mann Chesnut (daughter of Eugene Turner Mann) received a B.S. degree in Home Economics and Education from the University of Alabama in 1932, and did graduate work at Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University). During the summer of 1937. She was employed after her graduation from college by Macy's New York, Inc., New York, NY. She returned to Alabama in 1933 and became Home Economics teacher at Centre, Alabama from 1933 to 1937. She was then employed as Assistant Home Demonstration Agent in Chambers County, Alabama from July 1937 to October 1937. She was then transferred to Crenshaw County, Alabama, as Home Demonstration Agent where she remained until 1941 when she was transferred to Macon County, Alabama as Home Demonstration Agent. She resigned this position in January 1946.
She has been employed by the Kentucky Extension Service since 1956 in Taylor County, Kentucky, except for a brief period when she was employed by Kentucky Utilities. She is a member of the Tennessee Society of the Colonial Dames of the XVII Century, the Somerset Kentucky Chapter of the Daughters of the American Revolution, and Delta Kappa Gamma. She is also active in various civic organizations.
Webb Woodrow Chesnut attended Gaylesville Academy in Gaylesville, Alabama, and received a three-month scholarship to Gadsden Business College, in Gadsden, Alabama. He then served as a page boy in the Alabama Senate from 1934 to 1938. He graduated from Alabama Polytechnic Institute (now Auburn University) in January 1940 and received a B.S. degree in agriculture. After his graduation, he was employed by the Farm Security Administration in Marion County, Alabama. He was drafted by the Army in 1942 as a private, and after spending 16 months at Fort McClellan, Alabama, where he was promoted to Sergeant, he entered the Officer Candidate School at Fort Benning, Georgia, where he was commissioned a Second Lieutenant in the Infantry.
He was ordered overseas in the fall of 1943 as a replacement officer and landed at Casablanca, North Africa and arrived at Birseta (?) about two days after the North African campaign ended. He was then sent to Silicia and assigned as a platoon commander of Company ?, 26th Infantry Regiment, First Infantry Division. After the end of the Silician campaign, he was sent with the First Infantry Division to southern England to prepare for D-Day. He landed on Normandy on D-Day and was wounded six days later at the town of Comont and hospitalized in England. After his recovery, he returned to his company and served as Executive Officer. During a battle in the Hezchton Forest the Commander of Company E was killed and Lieutenant Chesnut was made commanded of this company.
During the Battle of the Bulge in Belgium, he was wounded again and hospitalized in England. After 120 days in the hospital, he again returned to Germany and was assigned "limited service" duty at Frankfurt, Germany with SHAEF headquarters. He returned to the United States in September 1945 and was relived form active duty as a Captain. He retired form the Army reserve in May 1956. For his services in World War II he received the Distinguished Service Cross, the second highest combat medal bestowed by the Army; the Bronze Star, the fourth highest combat medal bestowed by the Army; the Purple Heart with Oak Leaf Cluster; the Combat Infantryman's Badge; the Presidential Unit Citation Ribbon with Oak Leaf Cluster; the European-African Theater Medal with five battle stars; the Army Occupation Medal for Germany; the American Theater Medal; and the Victory Medal.
Mr. Chesnut served with the Alabama Extension Service in Marshall County from 1 January 1946 until his resignation at the end of 1947. He then became associated with the Carnation Company at Dadeville, Alabama. In March 1952 he was transferred by Carnation Company to Somerset, Kentucky. He resigned his position with Carnation Company in September 1956 and is now [1965] Manager of the Production Credit Association in central Kentucky. Both he and his wife are members of the First Methodist Church of Campbellsville, Kentucky.