Arms of Moseley in Virginia: Quarterly 1st and 4th Sa. a chevron between three battles axes Ar, 2d and third Or. a fesse between three eagles displayed sa.remaining pages detail information on Hillary Moseley and Edward Hack MoseleyCrest: An eagle displayed sa.
Motto: Mos legem regit
The family of Moseley came to America in the last year of the reign of Charles I, 1649, with grants of land in Lynnhaven Parish, on Broad Creek, in Lower Norfolk county, Virginia. Here they built "Rolleston," named for the fmaily seat of the Moseleys, "Rolleston Hall," Staffordshire, England. The patents were highly valued in the family and descended under the entail from father to son until the War between the States, after which they could not be found.The first emigrant also brought the coat of arms, a Court "Callender," and family portraits, one of them painted as far back as Henry II, A.D. 1154-89; four of the pictures were supposed to be by Van Dyck.
William Moseley - First Emigrant
A merchant of Rotterdam, Holland, settled in Virginia in 1649. He received a grant of land the same year, and among the headrights are mentioned those of himself, Susanna his wife, and sons Arthur and William. He was Justice of Lower Norfolk county, March 16, 1649 to April 26, 1655.
The last will and testament of William Moseley the elder, written with his own hand this 29th day of June, 1655.Imprimis. I give and beueath my Soule to God that gave it, and my body to the earth to be decently buried at the discretion of my wife and children. Item. I give and bequeath to my Cosen William Cockcroft, a Cowe Calfe of a year olde. And to my grand child Corker a cowe calfe of a yeere olde. Item. I give unto my wife Susan Moseley my gray mare and furniture, and I doe likewise give her one negro woman called Mary with her Childe Besse, to be at her disposing during her life. Alsoe I doe give to my said wife Susan all the sheepe with the Increase thereof, together with all her wearing apparell and her Lifetime upon the plantation where she now lives. Item. I give to my sonne William Moseley, Eight hundred acres of land Lyeing and being as expressed in Bartho. Hodgkin's Pattent, and also I doe give to my said sonne William one younge Mare foale of months olde to him and his heirs for ever.
Item. I give and bequeath to my sonne Arthur Moseley, all that tract of land which I bought of Goerge Kempe, and moreover and above that all that land which was surveyed by Mr. Empero'r when I was in England, to him and his heirs forever. And for the residue of my Estate my debts being all first paid out, to be equally divided between my wife Susan, William and Arthur Moseley.
Signed by mee.
William Moseley, Senior, with a seale.Test: The m'ke I. C. of John Carrowaye.
The m'ke H. of Abraham Thomas.Jurat in Cur. 15 August 1655
Test: Wm. Turner, Cl. Cur.
Recorded the 15 February 1655.
Susanna Moseley
An Inventory of ye estate of my mother Susanna Moseley, dec. February ye 8th, 1655/6.One mare, five cowes, one heyffer, fower yearling Calvves, one Steere of 3 years old, ten head of hogs young and old, one Ewe Lambe. Her wearing apparell, three paire of Sheetes, two table Cloths, fifteene napkins, fowere towells, 2 Covers & 2 others, one paire of pillow cases, one cheset, one chaire, one Couche, one Bedde, 1 boulster & blankette, two pictures, one Iron pott, one brasse Kettle, one Iron Kettle, one skillet, 3 pratite dishes, one sawcer, one frying pan, one paire of tongues, one candlestick, one Gunn, one brush.
This Inventory was sworne into Cort by Mr. Wm. Moseley, ye 15th Feberuary 1665.
To Francis Yeardley, son of Governor Sir George Yeardley, one of the leaders of the Cromwellian party in Virginia and the last husband of Sarah Offley.Worthy Sir: My husband havinge some business downe ye river was gone from home two howers before your servant come, soe I finding what ye contents of your letter did import, have in my husband's absence made bould to answer it, and with all I knowe he referrs ye sale of them to me. Sir, in regards you cannot miss out of your stocke no more than fower younge Cowes and one elder and fower oxen, I will not press you beyond what you are willing to doe, but will accept of your proffer by reason of my greate wante of Cattle, and withall I had rayther your wife should weare them then any gentle woman I yet know in ye country; but good Sire have no scruple concerninge their rightnesse, for I went my selfe from Rotterdam to ye haugh [The Hague] to inquire of ye gould smiths and found y't they weare all Right, therefore thats without question, and for ye hat band y't alone coste five hundred gilders as my husband knows verry well and will tell you soe when he sees you; for ye Juell and ye ringe they weare made for me at Rotterdam and I paid in good rex dollars for sixty gilders for ye Juell and fivety and two gilders for ye ringe, which comes to in English monny eleaven poundes fower shillings. I have sent the sute and Ringe by your servant, and I wish Mrs. Yeardley health and prosperity to weare them in, and give you both thanks for your kind token. When my husband comes home we will see to gett ye Cattell home, in ye meantime I present my Love and service to your selfe and wife, Mr. Chandler and his wife and ye youngue gentle women and old Capt. and commit you all to God, and remaine, your friend and servant.
Susan Moseley.
Elizabeth River, this last July 1650.
William Moseley II
William Moseley, the younger son of William Moseley the emigrant, died about the year 1671. He was Commissioner for Lower Norfolk County, 1660. He left a widow, Mary, daughter of Captain John Gookin, an early and prominent settler, by his wife Sarah Offley, the widow of Captain Adam Thoroughgood, she, after Captain Gookin's death, married Francis Yeardley, one of the leaders of the Cromwellian party in Virginia, son of Governor Sir George Yeardley.Mary (Gookin) Moseley, in 1672, married Lieutenant-Colonel Anthony Lawson. The children of William Moseley and his wife Mary Gookin were William, John, Elizabeth, and Edward.
An Inventory and apraism't of ye Estate of Capt. Wm. Moseley, dec'd, this 10th day of November 1671.In Mr. Moseley's study in the garrett Impr. A prc'll of Books, some L. tob., french dutch, Latten, & English. 3,000 lbs. tobo. Foure picktures, 200; six picktures, 2 picktures, his Signett Ring.
5lbs and an ounce of Plate being Exactly weighed wt. braste weights & seals.
A hatt and silver hat band, w'ch shee informs us shee hath disposed of.
Amount of Appraisement, 69, 270 pounds tobacco & Caske besides the plate.
Subscribed 11 November 1671.
Tho. Bridge
Tho. (viz) Ivy
Will Handcock
Henry Spratt
Edward Moseley - Born 1661
Edward Moseley, son of William Moseley the younger, and Mary Gookin, was colonel and justice of Princess Anne county; high sheriff 1707-8; on the court which tried Grace Sherwood for witchcraft, 1706; Knight of the Golden Horseshoe, 1710-1722, and member of the House of Burgesses.He married Mrs. Bartho. Taylor, daughter of Col. John Sringer, of the Eastern Shore of Virginia, and was the father of Hillary Moseley, to whom he gave on the first of February, 1703/4, among other things, "my seale ring wch. was my father's with his coat of arms on it," his "mother's wedding ring when marryed to Mr. Bartho. Taylor, with a posey in it and m'kt B. F.," "four silver spoones m'kt H.M. w'ch was his Grandfather Stringer's," "a silver tankard m'kt Wm. M. which was my father's."
His will was written on the 6th of Mary 1735-6 and ordered to be recorded the 7th of April 1736. In it, after disposing of various portions of his property, he leaves the remainder to his grandson, Edward Hack Moseley, and requests that it be delivered to him when he reaches the age of twenty-one years. Edward Moseley stated in a deposition made in 1734 that he was about 73 years old.
At a vestry held in Lynhaven Parish for laying hte leavey the 30th October 1735. Mr. Henry Barlow, Minister. Col. Anthony Walke, Captain Francis Land, Church Wardens.In Princess Anne County, Virginia, in 1705, Grace Sherwood was tried at the Court-house on "The Ferry" plantation for witchcraft. She was found guilty and ducked in a beautiful inlet of Lynnhaven Bay, called to this day "Witchduck," afterwards the property of Thomas Williamson, Esq. The prosecution was conducted by Maximilian Boush, for her Majesty, Queen Anne, who received for his fee, five thousand pounds of tobacco. Grace Sherwood was incarcerated in teh gaol of the county adjoining the old court-house on the "Ferry" plantation, and all the proceedings are to this day (1897) to be seen in the records of Princess Anne County. The trial lasted from January 3 1705 to July 10 1706, and the court consisted of Colonel Edward Moseley, Lieutenant-Colonel Adam Thoroughgood, Captain John Moseley, and others.Present: Capt. John Moseley, Mr. Christ'r Burrough, Chas. Sayer, Capt. Francis Moseley, Mr. James Nimmo, Capt. Jacob Ellegood, Major Maxim'l Boush, Capt. Henry Moore, Mr. John Bonney, Mr. John Gourts, vestrymen.
On the motion of Col. Edward Moseley, 'tis unanimously agreed & liberty given him to erect a hanging pewe on the northern side of the new church at his own cost, for the use of himself, his grandson Mr. Edward Hack Moseley, Capt. Anthony & Capt. Frank Moseley.