From: Ronald and Helen Olson
1008 – 16th Avenue
Langdon, ND 58249
To: Irene (Johnson) Kinna
Date: 1996 August 25
Dear Irene,
Received your letter when we returned from ane xtended trip to Alaska and Washington state to visit a couple of our son’s during July and August. On the way home, we received word that my oldest brother, Alden, had died and we just got home in time for the funeral. So things have been a little “heck tick” around here for the last little while.
I showed your letter to another cousin here in Langdon, Lila Herrud. Her brother has ried to make a very extensive search for relatives in Norway from our side of the family. However, it appears that there are none. Our Dad’s entire fmaily came over, including all the brothers and sisters, as well as their parents. So, they have not been able to locate anyone in Norway. I believe he was in Tromsø a few years ago and checked their archives and he has checked the ones in Washington, D.C., also.
We used to enjoy going down to “Aunt Gina’s” to visit every year or so, but never got very well acquaintaed with Anna’s family, except Billy, whom we met a number of times.
I am the youngest in our family at 72 years old. There were six of us all living until a little over a week ago. Hazel is in quite poor health now and her memory is not good anymore. Edna Erickson lives with her and takes care of her.
Helen and I have four children: three sons and a daugther. We farmed for many years and about fifteen years ago left the farm and moved to town. I’ve had an electrical business here in the area.
We usually spend three months during the winter in Texas doing voluntter work at the Rio Grande Bible Institute in Edinburgh, Texas. Lila said her brother will be visiting before long and he will be doing more research on the family, and if they find out anything will let you know.
Ron and Helen
[Ron is Regina Antonson’s nephew.]