Recorded in Will Book No. 2, pp. 84-85 of Louisa County, VirginiaIN THE NAME OF GOD AMEN. I, Thomas Lipscomb, of Saint Martin's Parrish in Louisa County, Planter, being at this time very sick and weak of Body, but blessed be God of perfect sense and Memory, do make this my last Will and Testament in manner and form following:
IMPRIMUS: I recommend my Soul into the hands of my Creator, hoping for the Remission of all my sins through the Merits of my Blessed Saviour's most precious Death and Resurrection; and my Body to be Buried Decently at the Discretion of my Executors hereafter Named. And for my worldly Estate which it hath pleased God to bestow on me, I Dispose of it in Manner and form following, viz.Teste: John Nelson, ClerkI lend unto my beloved wife during her natural life or widowhood, five Negroes, to wit: Dick, Sampson, James, Jack, and Nan. Also half of my stock of all kinds, and half of all my household furniture.
I give unto my son, John Lipscomb, and to his heirs and assigns for ever, five hundred acres of land, lying upon Goldmine Creek in Louisa County, to be laid off to him at the discretion of my executors hereafter named. But in case my said son John should die without lawful issue, then it is my will and accordingly I desire and order my executors to sell the said land at their own discretion, and the money so arising to be equally divided amongst all the remainder of my children and their representatives.
The remaining part of my land not before given (lying on Goldmine Creek in Louisa County), I desire and it is my will that my executors do and shall sell it either at publick auction or at private sale (at their own discretion) and the money so arising to be equally divided amongst all my children and their representatives.
- Item: I lend unto my Beloved Wife, during her Life or Widowhood all the tract of Land whereon I now live; and After her Decease or Marriage, then it is my Will and Desire that my Executors do sell the said Land at their own Discretion as the Other, and the money so Arising to be Equally Divided among all my Children and their Representatives.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Mary Wash, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Charles.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Susanna Ragland, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Daniel.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Sarah Pettus, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Abram.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Betty Smith, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Caite.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Anna Sims, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Dinah.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Annis Davis, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Molley and thirty pounds curr't money.
- Item: I give unto my Daughter Agnes Ragland, her heirs and Assigns forever, one Negro named Amey.
- Item: My will and desire is that my grandchildren (to wit) Elizabeth Hall and Salley Hall have one equal child's part of my Estate, and in case that either of them dies without lawful heir begotten of their bodies, that then the other surviving one to have her part, and in case both dies without lawful heir or heirs, that then each of their parts of my estate be equally divided among all my children and their representatives.
- Item: And further it is my will and desire that if any of my children should died without lawful heir or heirs of their bodies, that then their part be equally divided amongst the remainder of my children and their lawful representatives.
All the rest and remainder of my estate both real and personal and also that part of my estate lent to my beloved wife, after the expiration of her term, my will is and accordingly I order that the same be sold discretionly by my executors and the money so arising to be equally divided amongst all my children and their lawful representatives.
I do hereby revoke, disanull, and make void all other former wills by me made, ratifying and confirming this to be my last will and testament. And I do hereby authorize, impower, appoint, and desire my son William Lipscomb and my son Thomas Lipscomb to be my whole and sole executors of the same, as witness my hand and seal this third day of October, One Thousand Seven Hundred and Seventy.
Signed, Sealed, Published and Declared by the said Testator, as his last Will and Testament in presence of us
Wm Pettus
James Smith
John Smith
Wm David, Junior (His X Mark)At a Court held for Louisa County, November 12, 1770.
This Will was this Day exhibited into court by William and Thomas Lipscomb, Executors, therein named who made Oath thereto according to law and was also proved by the oaths of the witnesses thereto and by the court ordered to be records.
Bond given in the sum of two thousands pounds with Samuel Ragland and John Smith, D.S. as sureties.